Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Quiz Me app

The Quiz Me app was a trivia app.  We all picked our own topics and made up questions.  Each question had a different picture, and the app told you if you got the question right or not.  We all had to make our apps different and personalized.  For example, one student made his app different because, if you get a question wrong, Batman dies.  (dun, dun, DUN!)

The Quiz me app was fun to program and great to brainstorm about, and had us really testing what we know about App Inventor. Mrs. Costello told us some of what to do, but not how to do it.  We had to figure things out for ourselves.

The Quiz Me app was awesome because It was challenging but at the same time you were able to fit the pieces and make it work.  My favorite part was the list picker because I was able to figure out how to work it and which blocks to use the blocks for it without having detailed instructions. It felt challenging since the list picker require some high program skill and it takes time to make sure the questions and answers match up so the app gives the right answers.

It was fun to build this app because I learned new things on my own.  I was surprised at how much App Inventor I really knew.

Healthy App Challenge

Healthy app challenge is a project that required us to work with a group of 3 people. This challenge required us to come up with ideas for an app that is designed for health care, to improve the community health. These apps focus on features that help user become healthier and get into better physical condition. 

We form group of 3 members and start to work on our project. We have main idea to focus on and design the app to be a solution for this particular problem. Apps try to change behaviors, so we had to motivate people to live a healthier lifestyle.

We also had to create a script for a sales pitch – which was quite some challenge – and present the sales pitch that we have created. The elements of a good pitch are to be happy and bubbly with the audience. Something that made some presentations better was natural improvisation done by some students. It really made people want to listen and even thought there may have been some stuttering, I still think that it was great. Also, many people had great ideas.  You could really tell that some students were very well prepared.